April 13th, 2022

Eco Policy

At Phoenix Consultants, we aim to increase our positive impact on the planet by promoting innovative, sustainable change in our industry. We do this in a number of ways including: 

Circular Design

Designing for the future means designing out waste, ethically sourcing materials and manufacture, and creating products that can be disassembled into their materials for repurpose; never adding to landfill. For too long has the design industry operated in a cradle to grave manor. Phoenix Consultants is committed to promoting a sustainable thinking approach to every project.

Going Paperless

If it can be digital, it should be digital! From our contracts to presenting design work, we aim to keep things paperless where we can and avoid wasting paper and ink where possible.

Responsible 3D Printing

3d printing is a huge part of our iterative design process to bring our clients rapid prototypes and scale models. Because of this, we are dedicated to using recycled PETg* as our primary material for FDM 3D printing which not only producers better quality prints, but is also 100% recyclable.

As of 2022 all of our PETg is sent to a local recycling facility specialising in 3d printing waste. There, our waste is turned back into useful material for manufacturing that reduces reliance on virgin plastics.

Supporting Local Trade

We promote local business including suppliers, manufacturers, and printers. This reduces the need for long distance transport cutting down on harmful carbon emissions, while building strong connections between businesses in the local community.

These are just some of the ways we are working towards having a positive impact on the environment. Get in contact if you would like to know more, we would love to hear from you.

* The PETg that we use is made from 89% recycled material